The Surreal Table
18 • 04 • 2018

The Surreal Table

Santa Margherita, the main brand of the homonymous Wine Group, keeps on standing in the role of a noble patron in favour of contemporary creative genius.

 “The Surreal Table” is a project which takes the contemporary dining table as a territory ripe for exploration, an experimental yet everyday world of sensorial experience. A place poised between reality and symbolism, able to conjure up and communicate extremely meaningful values and messages.

Just as within the surrealist movement where there could be a ‘shift in gaze’ to reveal new sides of a difficult to explain reality, Santa Margherita invited five designers to explore objects found on a dining table. Five new artworks paired with five different wines were created, a series of prototypes which play with our senses and express themselves through acts of conviviality and the rituals surrounding them. With “Rhyton Collection” Analogia Project imagines zoomorphic goblets as the protagonists of a new contemporary ritual, while Flatwig Sudio with “Anphora e tappi” (Amphoras and stops) reworks the millenia-old wine container into a transparent form. The artists from Eligo put an Italian stamp on their redesigned “La Tulipaniera” (Tulip Vase) for ceremonies and parties, while “Summer on a Solitary Beach” by Studio Lido is a swimming pool and diving board to accompany aperitifs; Zaven with “Pipe Dream”, artistically dismantles and reassembles functional modules for the table. 

The project "The Surreal Table", curated by Fabio Davide Colaci, culminates in a dedicated exhibition inside the headquarters of Santa Margherita Wine Group in Milan Via Durini 24, open to the public from 17 April to 18 May 2018.

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